How it Works
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Mylivingmagazines saves you money on goods and services from your favorite local businesses you need and love. From local restaurants, goods and home services, to health and beauty as well as wellness, you’ll find savings on
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Local Savings
No other company or website has the same local deals and coupons as we do. We aren’t aggregating coupons from other websites. MyLiving Media employees – living in your communities – source deals and coupons from the best locally owned businesses.
How We Do It
Our content creators live in the markets we serve. As locals, they have a great sense of what’s popular and work hard to bring you savings from the places you love, from restaurants and salons, health & beauty, to home services and more.
Free Coupons
All coupons are free. Our website, Apple and Android apps are free too. We ask only for your email address (an account) so we may activate and validate coupons you print or present via your phone to merchants