Suri & Noreen Salon, LLC

  • Suri & Noreen Salon, LLC
  • 561-339-3548

We believe at Suri & Noreen that if it is to be dreamed, it is to be born. Creativity is a limitless and boundless freedom we believe in reality every day with unlimited possibilities! Our creators Alicia & Azlina came together as hairdressers and clients to create a vision inspired by artistic expression and the desire to elevate those in our industry. With the passion of the artist behind the chair, every client benefits from this type of environment… From your hands to their hair and beyond!

Purposeful driven passion and creativity with limitless bounds is where we live in our world of craft. Exploring the unknowns and getting comfortable living in that new space is where all our growth happens. We thrive on that growth and creating wealth, winning, and thriving for ourselves and those surrounding us.

365 Tequesta Drive, Tequesta, FL 33469


  • Are you ready to start your journey with us? If so we will see you on the other side!

Suri & Noreen Salon, LLC

365 Tequesta Drive, Tequesta, FL 33469